Sometimes people get to thinking of probiotics as a sort of “cure-all” for any malady you can think of. And while this kind of thinking is not particularly reasonable, it is rooted in some truth – probiotics really do provide a wide range of benefits when taken orally.
Probiotics help digestion by helping break down proteins and fats in your digestive tract, fortify the lining of your intestinal tract, decrease inflammation, and enhance overall digestive health, just to name a few…
Studies have also demonstrated that taking probiotics daily may assist in losing weight and belly fat, as well as managing IBS-related symptoms like bloating and gas.
Probiotics improve digestion
Human digestive tracts are intricate ecosystems comprised of various microorganisms that coexist in harmony. While most bacteria present no adverse health consequences, some may cause serious medical issues.
Probiotics are living microorganisms that help keep your digestive system balanced and healthy. You can find probiotics in many foods such as fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir as well as fresh kimchi and sauerkraut.
Probiotic supplements may also be taken, however it’s important to remember that these may not be regulated by the FDA and may not provide your body with enough beneficial bacteria.
Probiotics have many key advantages for digestion, including breaking down proteins and fats that accumulate in your digestive system – this is essential to absorption of vital nutrients as well as avoiding health complications.
If you are experiencing digestive issues, supplement with probiotics and digestive enzymes for added support of optimal functioning of the digestive system and feel your best. Both will promote improved health in this regard.
Probiotics and digestive enzymes work in concert to create an ideal environment in your gut that allows you to absorb all of the essential vitamins and nutrients found in food, as well as avoid symptoms associated with improper digestion such as gas and bloating.
Probiotics help balance the healthy bacteria in your digestive system
Integral to staying healthy is maintaining an ideal balance in your digestive tract with good bacteria, but adding probiotic supplements makes this task simpler.
Probiotics can be added to your diet in various ways, from eating fermented foods such as yogurt and pickles to drinking fermented beverages such as kefir and kombucha. You could also supplement with probiotics dietary supplements; please speak to your healthcare provider first before doing this.
Probiotic supplements offer several key advantages, the first being that they help to balance out the beneficial bacteria in your digestive system and boost both gut health, immunity and even mental wellbeing.
To maintain healthy gut flora, it’s essential that you consume a varied and well-rounded diet rich in fiber and other vital nutrients. Be sure to incorporate fruits, vegetables and whole grains into every day’s meals for maximum benefits.
Your body’s microbiome consists of billions of different bacteria cells. Every person’s gut flora differs greatly, which explains why digestive systems differ so drastically between individuals.
Probiotics help treat and control the symptoms of ibs
If you suffer from IBS, probiotic supplements can provide relief from its symptoms. Probiotic supplements may aid bowel movements by decreasing their frequency and relieving bloating.
Probiotics are microorganisms found within your digestive tract that support healthy bacteria balance. You can take probiotics in various forms: orally, via yogurt, or as supplements.
Studies have demonstrated that probiotics may help alleviate IBS symptoms; however, there is no definitive proof of their efficacy for all individuals living with the disorder. Still, some patients report significant improvements when using probiotics.
Some doctors suggest taking a probiotic dietary supplement or eating yogurt with active probiotic cultures on a regular basis to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your intestines while simultaneously decreasing harmful ones, leading to more regular bowel movements and health benefits.
Doctors advise avoiding foods containing gluten and lactose that could worsen symptoms. A low FODMAP diet may also be helpful along with high fiber diet and exercise regimen.
Antispasmodic drugs like dicyclomine and hyoscyamine may provide another possible treatment option, helping relax the smooth muscles in your GI tract to ease any associated pain or bloat and relieve urgency for bathroom visits.
Probiotics and Cardiovascular Health
Probiotics have been shown to assist with reducing cholesterol and blood pressure – two risk factors of heart disease. Some probiotics bind with cholesterol in the intestinal tract to stop absorption, while others produce bile acids that assist the body’s metabolism of fats and cholesterol.
Bile acids may help the liver produce less cholesterol, helping lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, certain probiotics can also reduce triglycerides – blood fats that increase risk for cardiovascular conditions – by breaking them down more efficiently.
Probiotics have also been found to decrease inflammation in the body, another major risk factor for heart disease. This is achieved by decreasing your blood levels of pro-inflammatory chemicals like CRP and fibrinogen.
There are various probiotics available that may help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides; you just need to find the one best suited to you – capsules, yogurt or any form of food can contain probiotics for easy consumption.
Studies are uncovering more and more evidence that your gut microbiome plays a crucial role in overall health, including your cardiovascular system. Comprised of trillions of organisms from several phyla including Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria; each performs various functions. Probiotic supplements contain high doses of single or combination probiotic strains for maximum microbiome health benefits.
Probiotics Can Reduce the Severity of Allergies
Allergies result from our immune systems mistaking something that’s foreign for what it should be and reacting in an inappropriate manner, often manifesting as mild symptoms like runny nose or coughing to severe reactions known as anaphylaxis that could even prove life-threatening.
As it’s essential to manage allergies effectively, understanding their source is paramount to taking effective steps against them. Seasonal issues, like hay fever or winter colds, or year-round conditions like eczema or hives require professional assistance to effectively identify and address. A healthcare provider can assist in diagnosing your issue as well as devising treatment solutions.
If you are experiencing chronic allergic reactions, consulting with your physician and seeking allergy testing, prescription, support groups and/or guidance from them may help mitigate or alleviate them. They can also give guidance regarding triggers that exacerbate symptoms.
An additional way to manage allergy symptoms is through taking probiotic supplements. Studies have demonstrated their ability to lessen the severity of numerous conditions, including allergies, asthma and eczema.
Researchers studying Lactobacillus acidophilus L-92 and yeast fermentate probiotics found that when taken together they reduced allergy symptoms by 43% more than when taken alone (compared with placebo).
Probiotics have many health benefits beyond helping alleviate allergy symptoms, including strengthening immunity and overall wellness. This is particularly beneficial if you suffer from food allergies – an increasingly prevalent issue among both children and adults alike.
Probiotics and Your Immune System
Immune systems are complex networks of proteins, cells, and tissues that work tirelessly to defend against pathogens, toxins, and stressors – probiotics can support this important defense and ensure your body stays strong!
Probiotics contain bacteria known to strengthen and optimize the functionality of your immune system. They also decrease inflammation – an essential factor when fighting chronic illnesses or diseases.
Thorne FloraSport 20B contains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis, both proven to support your immune system.
Studies have confirmed the efficacy of probiotics as an aid for weight and belly fat loss. One group of 210 participants given Lactobacillus gasseri for 12 weeks experienced a decrease in their bodyweight, waist size, and hip circumference. So locking in the best probiotic supplement for belly fat reduction may not be such a bad idea after all! In fact it may be one of your best options!
This study revealed how probiotics can assist you with weight loss by strengthening your immune system. Furthermore, they can also assist with absorption of more nutrients and increase digestive enzymes for maximum benefit. You should take them daily in order to maximize their effectiveness.
Probiotics for a Mood Boost
In our modern era, there are a plethora of factors that deplete the gut of healthy bacteria. The “good” bacteria are critical in ensuring proper digestion, in effect turning the food we eat into nutrition we desperately need to function at our best. So it’s no surprise that, without this engine running properly, our health suffers holistically, and when our health suffers, our mood often gets suppressed, or we suffer from depression and anxiety, which in turn further depletes our health, which in turn causes even worse depression – it is a powerful and unfortunate negative feedback loop! So we want to take every action we can to disrupt that loop, and live life well, and in good spirits.
The benefits of a thriving digestive ecosystem are too many to list, but again, adopting a daily regimen of high quality probiotics is one important step you can take to boost your mood, and alleviate anxiety. If you want more intel on the best probiotic for mood disorders, hop on over to the link provided and you can have a look at our updated list of top recommendations.
Final Thoughts…
Probiotics aren’t a panacea for everything health ailment know to humankind, by an measure. But, as described in the article above, there are in fact a myriad of health benefits to taking a high quality probiotics supplement daily. It’s for this reason, coupled with nearly zero reports of any negative side effects, that make a daily probiotic a great choice for most of us! And of course remember to consult with your physician to get their input before starting any kind of supplement – this is just a good practice to live by.
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